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Windows Error Fixed – This App Has Been Blocked for Your Protection

Friends, When attempting to install an application on various Windows operating systems such as Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server 2022, or even older versions of windows server, you might encounter a frustrating error message that reads: “This app has been blocked for your protection. An administrator has blocked you from running this app.” Even though installing or running apps on Windows is usually simple, this error message can cause problems.

Friends Generally you encountered this problem after updating your Windows operating system. However, it can arise from various situations. For instance, I experienced this error when I made a new admin account by disabling the main administrator account on my Windows Server 2022. Then, when I attempted to install software using the newly created admin account, the same error message popped up for me after so much research I got the solution for this issue, and today in this post I’m going to share the solution to this error “This app has been blocked for your protection. An administrator has blocked you from running this app.

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The Popup Window Look like this:-

How to Fix This App Has Been Blocked for Your Protection Error

I know, most people would naturally think to disable Windows Defender or Windows Security, including User Account Control, would temporarily solve the problem, but not always. Instead of these, we can Disable UAC from the registry so you can install your application.

Steps to Fix:- This App Has Been Blocked for Your Protection Error With Registry Files

  • First of all Open the Registry Editor and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System
  • Then Simply Double-click on ”EnableLUA”. Change the Value data to 0.

This App Has Been Blocked for Your Protection Error edit registry

  • After that click on ok and then one system restart prompt will come in front of you.

This App Has Been Blocked for Your Protection Error edit registry

  • Then restart your PC or Server and then try to reinstall the application. I hope this solution will help you to fix ”This App Has Been Blocked for Your Protection. An administrator has blocked you from running this appError.


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